Christmas Holiday Pet Safety


It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Tis the season of giving and celebration. No matter what holiday celebration you partake in, there are lots of new decorations, foods and noise to peek the curiosity of not only our little two-legged wonders, but our furry, four-legged friends as well. We’ve gathered a list of helpful tips to keep your pets safe throughout the holidays.

Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree – If you are putting up a tree this year, be mindful of its placement. If possible anchor the tree to prevent it falling on your curious dog or cat. Twinkly lights, shiny ornaments and tinsel can all be hazardous to your pet. Consider placing the tree in an area where your pet won’t have access or if that’s not possible keep the bottom branches free of lights or breakable ornaments. Not only can your pet get tangled in the lights or garlands, but there is a potential burn or electrical shock hazard. Tinsel is a favorite or many, but can cause intestinal blockage if ingested by your pet. Cover or hide electrical cords to prevent kitty or puppy chewers from getting unwanted shocks. Other recommendations include placing aluminum foil, orange peels or and bottle filled with coins under the tree to deter pets from indulging their curiosity. If you select a live Christmas tree, be sure to clean up fallen pine needles as they can puncture your pet’s intestines if ingested.


Don’t Get Wrapped – Wrapping paper, string, bows, ribbons are all fun to play with, but can become choking hazards or create intestinal blockage if your pet ingests them. We certainly don’t want to ruin all the fun, but recommend keeping gift wrap supplies off the floor and away from your pets.

Don’t Get Burned – Candles are great additions and create a beautiful tone at the holidays but they also create danger for your pets. If you decide to use candles, be sure to keep them out of reach of your pets; especially cats and kittens who are curious about the flickering flames. Also watch out for those wagging puppy dog tails that can easily knock a lit candle over by accident.


Keep A Routine – It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays and quickly get out of your normal routine. Your pets, especially dogs count on their daily routines as it helps them predict their environment. Disruptions to this order can quickly turn into chaos. We know it’s tough at this time of year, but try your best to keep some routines the same (dinner time, walk time, etc). This helps ease any stress your pet may experience during the holidays and affords you some valuable quality time with your furry companion.

Give them plenty of exercise – A tired pooch is a good pooch. Take them for a nice, long walk or play some fetch with Fido to tire out them out before the festivities begin. Not only is it great for your dog, it might burn a few extra calories to afford that extra treat for you. It’s a win/win!


Let the Feast & Fun Begin – It’s time to celebrate with family and friends and that means lots of parties and lots of FOOD! As a general rule of thumb, it’s best to avoid feeding your pets human foods. There are many foods that are just not safe for your feline and canine companions. Additionally, your pet has just as difficult a time processing high fat foods as you do. Overindulging in fatty foods or a drastic change in your pet’s diet can lead to issues like upset stomach, diarrhea or pancreatitis. It’s always best to err on the side of cause and not share holiday snacks with your pets. Don’t feed them bones! Most bones in Christmas meals are not safe for dogs or cats

Wagging tails, Not Cocktails – Dogs and alcohol are a bad combination. Alcohol can make your dog quite sick and in some cases lead to coma or even death. It’s best to keep alcohol out of the reach of our four-legged companions. Remember; a wagging tail is a happy tail.

IGideon with dog beer toy

Plants – Many traditional holiday plants are poisonous to your precious feline or canine. Holly, mistletoe and poinsettias are a common ornamental additions at this time of year, but please keep them out of reach should you choose to decorate with them.

Holly  mistletoe  pointsettia

Noise Disruptions – Neighborhood parties, fireworks and other noise distractions can cause stress to your four-legged friends. Create a safe place for your pets to go when the outside world and humans seem to go crazy. Stuffed kongs and other puzzle toys create great distractions for dogs. Additionally you can do some noise desensitization training in advance to prepare them for the upcoming disruptions.


Watch the Door – If you have a large group of people visiting, be careful to watch the door. People coming in and out provide an opportunity for our pets to make an unexpected escape. Also be sure your pets have up to date identification (collar and tags, microchips, etc) in case they slip out accidentally.


From Our Family To Yours … We Wish You A Safe And Happy Holiday Season!